Propello. Paving the way towards a brighter future for every pupil.

Empowering teachers

Up-to-date, curriculum-aligned content, resources, and progress data at your fingertips. So you can confidently plan individualised lessons and set interactive class activities and homework in less time.

Inspiring pupils

A dynamic learning environment engaging pupils with topics and concepts in different ways to suit their learning styles. So every pupil can foster deep understanding and meaningful comprehension no matter the subject. 

Apple on Book

Supporting you across the whole
teaching cycle

From lesson planning and delivery to in-class activities, homework, and assessment practice, Propello provides you with everything you need, all in one place and at the touch of a button.

Group 1048

Curriculum-aligned, content curated by teachers

Fresh and modern, subject-specific content is continually updated by our expert team, giving you a wealth of case studies, experiments, and examples – all helpfully aligned to the curriculum.

Group 1047

Inclusive learning for SEND, EAL and all abilities

Designed with inclusivity in mind, Propello caters to the unique needs of all pupils including SEND and EAL, offering adaptive resources and features to enhance their learning journey.

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Why Propello?

“Equipping teachers with the content and support they need to best teach their unique classroom of learners can complement a passion for teaching and learning, and in turn, improve student outcomes to impact the world far beyond the classroom.”
Amanda-Bratten, VP of Content and Curriculum at Propello
Amanda Bratten
VP of Content + Curriculum, Propello US
"We've used our thousands of hours of classroom expertise to combine high-quality content with assessments and accessibility tools to give you everything you need to deliver truly inclusive, time-saving, and exciting lessons, every day."
jo Tillson
Jo Tillson
VP of Content + Curriculum, Propello UK
"Propello fosters critical thinking and creates globally-minded citizens, all while reducing teacher planning time with user-friendly, intuitive features. We've made it our mission to support teachers in their pursuit of excellence."
William Chasse, education partnership manager at Propello
William Chasse
Education Partnership Manager, Propello

Discover what makes Propello different