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Let's get you flying.


Propello's teaching and learning platform makes it easier to create first-class learning experiences for every student. 

✈️ High-quality curriculum and content
✈️ Customizable learning paths
✈️ Leveled text options for striving readers
✈️ Built-in translations for English learners

Inside Propello, you'll find comprehensive content, activities, and formative assessments for inquiry-based middle grades science. For elementary and high-school science teachers, our content is ideal for review, reenforcement, and acceleration.

Sign up today to see for your self. 

Propello Science 6-8 is flying high!

Propello's English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum is preparing for takeoff, with test flights taking place in fall of 2023. 

About Us

"When great teachers leave — or lack the time and resources to deliver the classroom experiences they want — our students lose. And a lack of educator support hurts not only schools but also entire communities.

Propello’s mission is to help every teacher, and in turn every student, reach their full potential. We believe that equipping teachers with the content and support they need to best teach their unique classroom of learners, we can alleviate some of the burden, reigniting a passion for teaching and learning, and in turn, improving student outcomes to impact the world far beyond the classroom.

Amanda-HeadshotAmanda Bratten
Vice President of Content and Curriculum and Former Classroom Teacher

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