About Us

Educators and Lifelong Learners on a Mission

Propello is working to create learning resources, tools, and technology that propel every teacher and every student to their full potential.


Years of Experience

As a sister company of Nationalencyklopedin (NE) and Brockhaus, we have centuries of education experience.


Students + Educators Served

Together with our sister companies, we serve over 4,000,000 educators and students in Europe and the U.S.


Former Educators

Propello is shaped by our experience as former classroom teachers and educators, as well as by our lifelong passion for learning. 
Mission and Vision

Paving a New Path

At Propello, we refuse to be bound by what education is today. Instead, we harness our curiosity, experience, and research to reimagine the future and help create what education could be.

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Learning for Everyone

We believe education is a right, not a privilege. By designing solutions that help personalize learning for every student and fit every budget, we're working to create a more equitable future.


Spark Joy

Our goal is to create delight in every discovery. Designed to cultivate curiosity and inspire a lifelong love learning in educators and students alike, we work to help knowledge take flight.

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Challenge Convention

We're not afraid to break the mold. We see difficult conversations as opportunities to explore our potential, pushing us to create solutions that propel education upward.

A Brief History

Centuries of Education Experience


Brockhaus is founded

Founded in Amsterdam in 1805 by Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus, Brockhaus is the publisher of printed reference works in the German-speaking world for over two centuries.

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Nationalencyklopedin (NE) is born

NE was born in 1980, when the Government of Sweden began working with publishers to produce a comprehensive, contemporary Swedish-language encyclopedia.

The project brought together 300 subject experts who, together with the editors, worked to build a modern, accurate, and comprehensive educational resource.

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NE launches first digital product

In 1997, the first digital form of the Swedish Nationalencyklopedian was released on six CD-ROMs.

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Brockhaus launches digital encyclopedia

In 2002, Brockhaus started a new era with the publication of its first digital encyclopedia.

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NE begins incorporating teaching materials and pedagogy 

In 2009, an adapted version of NE.se was launched for schools with pedagogical teaching material.

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Propello launches in the US and UK

In 2022, Propello launches in the US and the UK. Leveraging centuries of experience building credible and effective learning materials via NE and Brockhaus, Propello is able to customize its approach to fit the needs of schools, districts, and multi-academy trusts in both the United States and the United Kingdom.

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Millions of educators and students served

NE, Brockhaus, and Propello serve a combined 4,000,000+ educators and students globally. We're constantly evolving to better meet the needs of educators, students, and the world around us.

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The Propello Advisory Board

We are proud to have passionate education leaders and advocates on the Propello Advisory Board. Together, we're working on creating a future where every teacher and student has the tools, support, and guidance they need to reach their full potential.

“I am a strong believer in collective responsibility to create conditions that provide the highest quality of education in a welcoming, equitable, and inclusive environment. I feel that Propello's vision is consistent with that and on the leading edge of what innovation truly entails.”
Jana Parker, Ed.D.
Executive Director of Teaching, Learning, and Leadership at Highline Public Schools
"As a former elementary school teacher who continues to work in early education and has young children, I am excited to be a small part of building a more comprehensive and supportive learning solution with all teachers and all students in mind."
Chudney Ross
Owner, Creator, and Lead Storyteller of Books and Cookies, a literacy enrichment program in LA
"As an educator for over 25 years serving rural, suburban, and urban schools in the capacity of teacher, administrator, mentor, and coach, I am passionate about improving teaching and learning to better develop future generations."
Annie Miller, Ed.D.
Founder at Anne Miller Educational Consulting and Former School Principal
Meet The Team

The Propello Crew


Perks for the Propello Crew

Come join us and help us build something amazing