ebooks for Educators
The Propello Press
Thoughts from the Propello crew on education research, trends, and advice.

Edtech Platform Propello Donates Solar Eclipse Kits to Over 600 Schools
Kits to include engaging lessons and safety glasses to support educators in prepar…

The Thursday Three: Expanding Your Teacher Toolbox
Welcome to the Thursday Three! Traditionally sent to our email subscribers on Thur…

Spring Into Reading: Must-Read Book Ideas for 2024
Welcome back, book lovers! With the clocks springing forward, we may have found ou…

The Thursday Three: Student Engagement
Welcome to the Thursday Three...on a Monday? Traditionally sent to our email subsc…

Fuel Your Science Curriculum with Flexibility and Precision
What comes to mind when you hear the word "booster?” Does it conjure images of a m…

Building Connections, Purpose And Impact:
Education Uncharted

From Classroom Teacher to District Leader: An Honest Conversation with a Superintendent
From kindergarten paraprofessional to award-winning superintendent in just 16 year…

Thriving, Not Just Surviving: Boosting Student Well-Being in a High-Pressure World
Is it possible that WE are the ones contributing to our students’ poor mental heal…

Collaboration in the Classroom
It takes a village—a phrase we’ve all heard when it comes to raising children. Thi…

AI in the Classroom: Friend or Foe?
Ever wonder how AI could change the way we teach and learn?

Student Voice and Choice in Schools
Giving our students a say in class? Are we CRAZY?

Classroom Tech: Enhancing Learning and Engagement for Students
Tech in the classroom? Wherever you stand on the topic, there’s no denying that th…